Officine Expo plans to organize the 5th edition of its « Pharma Africa Meeting» as part of its 19th edition at the Mansour Edahbi Palace in Marrakech on MARCH 3, 4 AND 5, 2022. During the third symposium, Officine Expo organized the first edition which focused on bringing the high level officials from the world health organization, The New Partnership for the African Development (NEPAD) wich is the now the African Union Development Agency (AUDA) and the African Union Commission (AUC). The main objective of the third edition was to familiarize the Moroccan health professionals with the ongoing initiatives of NEPAD-AUDA and AUC about the harmonization of pharamceutical regulations (AMRH), the African Medicines Agency (AMA). Following this event, Morocco was between the first African countries to sign the AMA treaty.
In line with his Majesty to open Morocco on Africa and the continuous effort of Officine Expo to showcase the Moroccan expertise, and catch up on all ongoing programs under AUDA, a fourth edition of Pharma Africa Symposiun will take place as part of Officine Expo on 04 March, 2022. The objective of this year’s symposium is to continue get involved in all ongoing initiatives under NAPD-AUDA objective: Industriliazation, Innovation and Sciences, Officine Expo will organize its fourth edition to address the access to medicines and their supply in Africa. High level experts from NEPAD-AUDA and their partners will present details about the important initiatives “Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa” (PMPA). PMPA vision and plan was endorsed by African Heads of States in the African Union Summit in 2007. This plan focused on promoting the local manufacturing of medcines in Africa and is supported by the United Nations and many international donors and partners.
Moroccan pharmaceutical industry and their manufacturing associations are not involved in this initiaties. The objective of this symposium is to showcase the capacities of Moroccan pharma manufactures, ensure their representatives associations to join and defend the interest of Moroccan industry in Africa under PMPA, and also learn and plan to benefit from all existing financial supports allocated to PMPA initiatives. Access to essential medicines and their supply throught Africa is a key development goal under the Africa we want vision 2063.
The expected outcome of this symposium is first for Moroccan regulators and pharma industry to join the ongoing AUDA programs and contribute to achieve the African Union objectives of assuring access to safe, effective, afordable and quality assured essentials medicines to African popolation.
In line with his Majesty to open Morocco on Africa and the continuous effort of Officine Expo to showcase the Moroccan expertise, and catch up on all ongoing programs under AUDA, a fourth edition of Pharma Africa Symposiun will take place as part of Officine Expo on 29 Feb, 2020. The objective of this year’s symposium is to continue get involved in all ongoing initiatives under NAPD-AUDA objective: Industriliazation, Innovation and Sciences, Officine Expo will organize its fourth edition to address the access to medicines and their supply in Africa. High level experts from NEPAD-AUDA and their partners will present details about the important initiatives “Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa” (PMPA). PMPA vision and plan was endorsed by African Heads of States in the African Union Summit in 2007. This plan focused on promoting the local manufacturing of medcines in Africa and is supported by the United Nations and many international donors and partners.
Moroccan pharmaceutical industry and their manufacturing associations are not involved in this initiaties. The objective of this symposium is to showcase the capacities of Moroccan pharma manufactures, ensure their representatives associations to join and defend the interest of Moroccan industry in Africa under PMPA, and also learn and plan to benefit from all existing financial supports allocated to PMPA initiatives. Access to essential medicines and their supply throught Africa is a key development goal under the Africa we want vision 2063.
The expected outcome of this symposium is first for Moroccan regulators and pharma industry to join the ongoing AUDA programs and contribute to achieve the African Union objectives of assuring access to safe, effective, afordable and quality assured essentials medicines to African popolation.